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Bridging the gap to Germany: General Info Session for Job Seekers

Bridging the gap to Germany: General Info Session for Job Seekers

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Date(s) - 14/10/2020
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Germany has many attractive career opportunities for international job seekers – even more so since its new immigration law came into effect in March. While the global Corona pandemic is not leaving the German economy unaffected, many companies remain on the lookout for global talents. However, getting a job and employment visa is linked to certain prerequisites. If you want to be successful, you should be well prepared.
In this FREE live webinar, we will give you an overview of what you need to know in order to succeed.

Learn about:

  • The German job market: What are the chances of finding a job across professions?
  • German language requirements: How much German do you actually need to know?
  • Recognition of your qualifications: What is it and why is it important?
  • Getting started: How can you prepare for your journey?

The session will conclude with an open Q&A.

You should attend if:

  • You have a professional qualification and some first work experience
  • You are interested in working in Germany
  • You are just starting out with your research on the topic and need general info

Don’t forget to register yourself.

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